Local links

Spaldwick is situated west of Huntingdon, just off the A14. This page contains links for nearby village websites, local schools and doctors. For information on local clubs and groups, visit our Local Groups page.

Websites for nearby villages to Spaldwick

Listed below are (a diminishing number of) local websites:

Grafham website

Stow Longa website (last updated 2016)

Easton (no website)

Catworth (no website)

Molesworth (no website)

Kimbolton and Stonely (Parish Council)

Alconbury (no website)

Brampton (Parish Council)

Great Staughton (no website now)

Little Staughton (Parish Council)


Facebook pages and groups for local organisations

Listed below are Facebook pages for local villages in the area:

Stow Longa Community

Kimbolton Community

Grafham Village Friends

Ellington Village & Gala Info

Buckden Residents

Friends of Leighton Bromswold

Catworth and surrounding villages

Tilbrook Community

Great Staughton and Perry

Alconbury Community

Brampton Village Friends


Local schools

Playtimes Playgroup website
Ferriman Road, Spaldwick
Telephone (01480) 890077
Email: contact@playtimesplaygroup.co.uk

Spaldwick Community Primary School
Royston Avenue, Spaldwick
Telephone (01480) 890371
Email: office@spaldwickschool.org.uk

Hinchingbrooke Secondary School
Telephone (01480) 375700
Email: admin@hinchbk.cambs.sch.uk

Kimbolton School (Independent)
Telephone (01480) 860505
Email: schoolsec@kimbolton.cambs.sch.uk


Alconbury Surgery
Telephone (01480) 890281

Kimbolton Medical Centre
Telephone (01480) 860205

Buckden Surgery
Telephone (01480) 810216